- 1999, M.Sc. (Mathematics), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
- 2001, M.Phil. (Mathematics), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
- 2009, Ph.D (Mathematics), National Institute of Technology, Warangal
- 1997, B.Sc (MPC), Osmania University, Hyderabad
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor(Senior Grade) , Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), from March 2010 to Nov. 2016.
- Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), from Nov. 2016 to Dec. 2020.
- Associate Professor , Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), from Dec. 2020 to Till date.
Research Domain
- Bio Fluid Mechanics,
- Mathematical Biology
- Physiological Mechanics
Research Publications
- Srinivasacharya D and Srikanth D. Steady streaming effect on the flow of a couple stress fluid through a constricted annulus. Archieve of Mechanics, Vol. 64(2), 2012. Pp 137-152. (IF 1.170).
- Srinivasacharya D and Srikanth D. Flow of Micropolar fluid through Catheterized Stenotic Artery – A Mathematical model. International Journal of Bio-Mathematics, Vol. 5(2): 2012. (1.085).
- Srikanth D and Kebede Teddesse. Mathematical analysis of non-Newtonian fluid Flow through multiple stenotic artery in the presence of catheter – A Pulsatile flow. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.13(1), 2012. Pp 15-27.
- Srikanth D. Steady Polar fluid flow in a Multiple Constricted Annulus-Catheter Effects. International journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 9(1), 2013. Pp 17-28
- Ramana Reddy, Srikanth D and VSSNVG Krishna Murthy Somanchi. Mathematical modelling of pulsatile flow of blood through catheterized unsymmetric stenosed artery – Effects of tapering angle and slip velocity. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids 48, 2014. Pp 236-244. (IF2.131)
- Ramana Reddy, Srikanth D and VSSNVG Krishna Murthy Somanchi. Mathematical modelling of couple stresses on fluid flow in constricted tapered artery in the presence of slip velocity – Effects of catheter. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 35, 2014. Pp. 947-958. (IF2.017)
- JV Ramana Reddy and D. Srikanth. The Polar Fluid Model for Blood Flow through a tapered Artery with overlapping Stenosis: Effects of Catheter and Velocity Slip. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2015. Article ID 174387. (IF 1.141)
- D Srikanth, J V Ramana Reddy; Shubha Jain, Anup Kale. Unsteady polar fluid model of blood flow through tapered ω - shape stenosed artery: Effects of catheter and velocity slip. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, 2015. Pp. 1093-1104. (IF 1.949)
- J. V. Ramana Reddy, D. Srikanth & S. V. S. S. N. V. G. Krishna Murthy. Mathematical modelling of time dependent flow of non-Newtonian fluid through unsymmetric stenotic tapered artery: Effects of catheter and slip velocity. Meccanica,Vol.51(1),2016. Pp 55-69. (IF 2.153)
- J V Ramana Reddy, D. Srikanth and Samir K Das. Modelling and simulation of temperature and concentration dispersion in couple stress nano fluid flow through stenotic tapered arteries. European Physical Journal Plus, 132(8),2017. pp 1-22. (IF 3.228)
- J V Ramana Reddy, D. Srikanth and PK Mandal. Computational Hemodynamic Analysis of Flow Through Flexible Permeable Stenotic Tapered Artery. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math., Vol.3 (1), 2017. Pp. S1261–S1287.
- KM Surabhi, JVR Reddy and D. Srikanth. Impact of temperature and concentration dispersion on the physiology of blood nanofluid: links to atherosclerosis. Sadhana, Vol.43(12),2018 Pp. 1-16. (IF 0.849)
- J V Ramana Reddy and D. Srikanth. Modelling and simulation of micropolar fluid flow with variable viscosity through an unhealthy artery. World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol.14(3), 2018. Pp 225-240.
- J V Ramana Reddy and D. Srikanth. Impact of blood vessel wall flexibility on the temperature and concentration dispersion. Journal of Applied and Computational mechanics, Vol.6(3),2020. Pp. 564-581.
Conference Proceedings
- D. Srikanth, J. V. Ramana Reddy and VSSNVG Krishna Murthy. ‘Shear stress distribution at the wall of omega-shaped stenotic tapered artery in the presence of catheter and velocity slip-effects of polar fluid. Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers in Mathematics. Ed. by Gauhati University, Guwahati, 26-28 March, 2015. Pp. ___. (ISBN: 978-81-928118-9-5).
Book Chapter
- KM Surabhi, DA Kamble and D. Srikanth. Numerical Computation of the Blood Flow Characteristics Through the Tapered Stenotic Catheterised Artery with Flexible Wall. In. Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. Ed by ______ (Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering) Singapore: Springer Verlag, 2019. Pp. 123-130.
Awards and Achievements
- Awarded Teacher of the year for the year 2014 by DIAT(DU).
- Joint organising Secretary for ISTAM 2012, DIAT(DU), Pune.
Government Funded Projects
- Indian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics-Life Member (ISTAM)
- Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences-Life Member
- Indian Society of Bio-Mechanics-Life Member.