Associate Professor

About Me
Dr. Odelu Ojjela received his Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mathematics from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, formerly known as Regional Engineering College (REC), Warangal. His research area includes Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass transfer, Nanofluids, Numerical Methods, etc. He joined the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (D.U.), Pune, in 2011 as Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Senior Assistant Professor in 2016. Since, December 2020 he has been working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, DIAT (D.U.), Pune. Before joining the institute, he was Professor and Head, Dept. of Mathematics, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar, (Telangana), India. He has published more than 60 research papers in various international journals and conferences. Under his guidance, 05 students were awarded Ph.D. degrees, 03 are ongoing, and 27 M.Tech students and 03 are continuing. He is a reviewer for multiple international journals like Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, Canadian Journal of Physics, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and applications, etc. He had organized "Short Term Training Programme on Advanced Computational Mechanics (STTP on ACM)" at DIAT (D.U.), Pune, and "XIX Congress of Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences and National conference on Mathematical aspects of Cryptography and Network Security" at Jyothismathi Institute of Technology and Science (JITS), Karimnagar, Telangana. He was Vice-President of the Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical sciences during 2010-2012. He is a life member of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the Indian society of Bio-Mechanics, the International Association of Engineers, the Association for Improvement of Maths Education, and Andhra Pradesh Society for Mathematical Sciences. He got the National Science Day award in 2017 (Gold medal and Certificate by Chairman DRDO, Govt. of India).
- 1996, B.Sc (MPC), KNR Degree College, Kakatiya University, Warangal Telangana
- 1999, M.Sc (Applied Mathematics), NIT Warangal, Telangana
- 2009, Ph.D, Dept. of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, Telangana.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology, Karimnagar (Affiliated to J N T University, Hyderabad), Telangana. 05-01-2000 to 17-05-2009.
Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Mathematics Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology, Karimnagar (Affiliated to J N T University, Hyderabad), Telangana. 18-05-2009 to 31-12-2010.
Professor and Head, Dept. of Mathematics Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology, Karimnagar (Affiliated to J N T University, Hyderabad), Telangana. 01-01-2011 to 30-03-2011.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), Pune. 01-04-2011 to 31-03-2016.
Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), Pune. 01-04-2016 to 01-04-2016 to 03-12-2020.
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed to be University), Pune. 04-12-2020 to present.
Research Domain
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat and Mass transfer analysis
- Nanofluids
- Numerical Methods
Research Collaborations
- Tomsk State University, Russia.
- University of Central Florida, USA
- University of 20 août 1955 – Skikda, Algeria
- National Institute of Technology Warangal, India
- Gulbarga University, Karnataka, India.
- Central University of Karnataka, India.
- DARDO Labs: DRDL Hyderabad, CARE Bangalore, SAG New Delhi, ARDE Pune.
- NCL Pune
- Bharat Forge, Dassault Systems, Zeus Numerix Pvt. Ltd., Genser Aerospace Pvt. Ltd
Research Publications
- J V Ramanamurthy*, N Srinivasacharyulu and O Odelu, Viscous fluid flow between two parallel plates with periodic suction and injection, AMSE, Vol. 50, no.2, 2007, 29-37.
- N Srinivasacharyulu, J V Ramanamurthy*, O Odelu, Temperature distribution in viscous fluid flow through two parallel plates due to suction at the plates, Int. J. of Logic Based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 2007, 15-25.
- J V Ramanamurthy*, N Srinivasacharyulu, NK Bhali and O Odelu, Unsteady flow of conducting micropolar fluid between two porous parallel plates with transverse magnetic field , Proc. of 52nd Congress of ISTAM, 2007, 193-200
- D Srinivasacharya*, N srinivasacharyulu and O Odelu, Flow and Heat transfer of Couple stress fluid in porous channel with expanding and contracting walls, International Communications in Heat and Mass transfer, Vol. 36, 2009, 180-185.
- D Srinivasacharya*, N srinivasacharyulu and O Odelu, Flow of Couple stress fluid between two parallel porous plates, Int. J. of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 41, Issue 2, 2011, 1-5.
- Odelu Ojjela*, A Mathematical Model of fluid flow between porous parallel oscillating plates, Int. e-Journal of Math. and Engg., Vol. 195, 2012, 1864-1874 Odelu Ojjela* and N Naresh Kumar, Numerical study of MHD flow and heat transfer through porous medium between two parallel plates with Hall and ion slip effects, Proceedings of the 2013 Int. Conference on Mechanics, Fluids, Heat, Elasticity and Electromagnetic fields, Venice, Italy, 2013, 161-167.
- Odelu Ojjela* and N Naresh Kumar, MHD Heat and Mass transfer of Couple stress fluid through porous medium between two parallel plates with chemical reaction, Hall and ion slip effects, Proceedings of 58 congress of ISTAM, 2013, 1-9.
- Odelu Ojjela* and J. V. Ramana Murthy, Micropolar Fluid Flow Between Two Porous Parallel Plates With Suction and Injection, Int. J. of Appl. Math and Mech., Vol. 10, 5, 2014, 47-57
- Odelu Ojjela*, N. Naresh Kumar, Hall and Ion Slip Effects on Free Convection Heat and Mass Transfer of Chemically Reacting Couple Stress Fluid in a Porous Expanding Or Contracting Walls With Soret And Dufour Effects, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), Vol. 5, 22, 2014, 1-12
- Odelu Ojjela* and N. Naresh Kumar, Unsteady Heat and Mass Transfer of Chemically Reacting Micropolar Fluid in a Porous Channel with Hall and Ion Slip Currents, Int. Scholarly Research Notices, Vol. 2014, Article ID 646957, 2014, 1-11.
- J.C. Umavathi and Odelu Ojjela*, Effect of variable viscosity on free convection in a vertical rectangular duct, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 84, 2015, 1-15.
- Odelu Ojjela* and N. Naresh Kumar, Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer of micropolar fluid in a porous medium between parallel plates, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 93, 2015, 880–887.
- Sri Ramya Sanagavarapu*, Md Shafeeq Ahmed, G Naresh Kumar and Odelu Ojjela, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Missile Target Engagement – 6 DOF Simulation using PN Guidance, J. of Basic and Applied Eng. Research. Vol. 2, 7, 2015, 550-554
- Odelu Ojjela*, N. Naresh Kumar, K Pravin Kashyap and Samir Kumar Das, A numerical analysis of MHD mixed convective-radiative flow and heat transfer of couple stress fluid in a porous expanding or contracting walls with convective boundary condition, Int. J. of Mathematical Sciences, Technology and Humanities, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2015, 65-85.
- Odelu Ojjela*, N. Naresh Kumar, Unsteady MHD Mixed Convective Flow of Chemically Reacting and Radiating Couple Stress Fluid in a Porous Medium Between Parallel Plates with Soret and Dufour Effects, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 41, 2016, 1941–1953.
- Odelu Ojjela* and N. Naresh Kumar, Unsteady MHD Mixed Convection Flow of Chemically Reacting Micropolar Fluid between Porous Parallel Plates with Soret and Dufour Effects, Journal of Engineering, Volume 2016, Article ID 6531948, 2016, 1-13.
- Odelu Ojjela*, N. Naresh Kumar, Chemically reacting micropolar fluid flow and heat transfer between expanding or contracting walls with ion slip, Soret and Dufour effects, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 55, 2016, 1683 – 1694.
- Odelu Ojjela*, Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla, N Naresh Kumar and Samir Kumar Das, Influence of Cross-Diffusion on Slip flow and heat transfer of chemically reacting UCM fluid between porous parallel plates with Hall and ion slip currents, Journal of Computational Engineering, Vol. 2016, Article ID 9160956, 2016, 1-14
- Odelu Ojjela*, K. Pravin Kashyap, N. Naresh Kumar, and Samir Kumar Das, Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer of UCM Fluid in A Porous Channel With Variable Thermal Conductivity and Ion Slip Effects, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), Vol.7, 32, 2016, 1-9
- Odelu Ojjela* & N. Naresh Kumar, Hartmann Flow and Heat Transfer of Couple Stress Fluid In a Porous Medium Between Two Parallel Plates With Periodic Suction And Injection, Computational Thermal Sciences, Vol. 8, 3, 2016, 233 –247.
- Odelu Ojjela*, K. Pravin Kashyap, N. Naresh Kumar & Samir Kumar Das, Influence of Inclined Magnetic Field on a Mixed Convective UCM Fluid Flow Through a Porous Medium with Thermophoresis and Brownian Motion, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol.3, 3, 2017, 2655–2669
- J.C. Umavathi, Odelu Ojjela* & K. Vajravelu., Numerical analysis of natural convective flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in a vertical rectangular duct using Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman model, International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Vol. 111 ,2017, 511-524
- Odelu Ojjela*, AdigoppulRaju and Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla, Influence of thermophoresis and induced magnetic field on chemically reacting mixed convective flow of Jeffrey fluid between porous parallel plates, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 232, 2017, 135-206.
- J.C. Umavathi, M.A. Sheremet*, Odelu Ojjela and G. Janardhan Reddy ,The onset of double-diffusive convection in a nanofluid saturated porous layer: Cross diffusion effects, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Vol. 65, 2017, 70-87.
- Odelu Ojjela* , Influence of variable mass diffusivity on MHD free convective flow and heat transfer of a second grade fluid through stratified porous channel, DRDO Science Spectrum, Vol.2017, 2017, 223-227.
- Odelu Ojjela*, Kesetti Ramesh & Samir K. Das, Second Law Analysis of MHD Squeezing Flow of Casson Fluid Between Two Parallel Disks, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. 16, Issue 6, 2018, 1-13.
- Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla, Odelu Ojjela*, Samir Kumar Das, Viscoelastic model of ethylene glycol with temperature-dependent thermophysical properties, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 133, Issue 1, 2018, 1-14.
- Kesetti Ramesh, Odelu Ojjela* , Influence of Soret and Dufour on Free Convective Second Grade Fluid Flow Between Porous Parallel Plates with Chemical Reaction, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 4, Issue 4, 2018, 1-15
- Odelu Ojjela* & N Naresh Kumar, Slip-flow and heat transfer of chemically reacting micropolar fluid through expanding or contracting walls with Hall and ion slip currents. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, 2018, 137 – 147.
- Preeti, Odelu Ojjela* and Samir K. Das ,Unsteady MHD free convective second grade nanofluid flow along a permeable stretching sheet under the influence of Soret and Dufour , Proceedings of 63rd International Congress of ISTAM, 2018, 1-14
- Adigoppula Raju & Odelu Ojjela*, Combined effects of variable thermal conductivity and induced magnetic field on convective Jeffrey fluid flow with nth order chemical reaction, Heat Transfer Asian Research, Vol. 48, Issue 2, 2019, 663-683
- K. Pravin Kashyap, Odelu Ojjela*, and Samir Kumar Das, MHD slip flow of chemically reacting UCM fluid through a dilating channel with heat source/sink, Nonlinear Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2019, 523-533
- K. Ramesh & O. Ojjela*, Entropy generation analysis of natural convective radiative second grade nanofluid flow between parallel plates in a porous medium, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), Vol.40, Issue 4, 2019, 481-498
- K Pravin Kashyap, Odelu Ojjela* and Samir Kumar Das, Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective flow of an upper convected Maxwell fluid through variably permeable dilating channel with Soret effect, – Pramana Journal of Physics, Vol.92, Issue 5, 2019, 1-10
36.Kesetti Ramesh, Odelu Ojjela* and N. Naresh kumar, Second law analysis in radiative mixed convective squeezing flow of Casson fluid between parallel disks with Soret and Dufour effects, Heat Transfer Asian Research,Vol.48, Issue 4, 2019, 1-18.
- N. Naresh Kumar, Pravin Kashyap, Kambhatla and Odelu Ojjela* , Double Dispersion Effects on MHD Squeezing Flow of UCM Fluid through a Porous Medium, Defect and Diffusion Forum Vol. 392, Issue 1, 2019, 10-28
- N. V. Sudarsan*, Smita D Naik, Samir Kumar Das, Odelu Ojjela, Optimization of Combustible Cartridge Case Thickness for Large Caliber Gun System, Int. J. of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2019, 517-521
- Adigoppula Raju, Odelu Ojjela*,·N. Naresh Kumar,Shankar Rao Munjam, Heat and mass transfer analysis of MHD couple stress fluid flow through expandingor contracting porous pipe with cross diffusion effects, International Journal of Dynamics and Control Vol. 7, 2019, 1293–1305.
- Arvind Kumar*, S. K. Pal & Odelu Ojjela, A heuristic approach towards variability of HC-128, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography (Taylor & Francis) Vol. 22, Issue 3, 2019, 361-370
- Adigoppula Raju, Odelu Ojjela* & Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla, The combined effects of induced magnetic filed, thermophoresis and Brownian motion on double stratified nonlinear convective-radiative Jeffrey nanofluid flow with heat source/sink, The Journal of Analysis, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2020, 503-532.
- K Ramesh and Odelu Ojjela*, Second law analysis for chemically reacting natural convective second-grade fluid flow between porous parallel plates with Hall and Ion slip, Heat Transfer-Asian Research, Vol. 48, Issue 7, 2019, 2989-3012.
- Odelu Ojjela*, Adigoppula Raju and N Naresh Kumar, Influence of induced magnetic field and radiation on free convective Jeffrey fluid flow between two parallel porous plates with soret and dufour effects, Journal of Mechanics, Vol.35, Issue 5, 2019, 657-675.
- N. Naresh Kumar, Odelu Ojjela* and D. R. V. S. R. K. Sastry, Effects of double stratification on MHD chemically reacting second grade fluid through porous medium between two parallel plates, Heat Transfer Asian Research, Vol. 48, Issue 8, 2019, 3708-3723.
- Adigoppula Raju and Odelu Ojjela*, Influence of homogeneous ‐ heterogeneous reactions and induced magnetic field on the nonlinear thermal convective radiative Jeffrey liquid flow with heat source/sink, Heat Transfer Asian Research,, Vol. 48, Issue 8, 2019, 3843-3865.
- Kesetti Ramesh and Odelu Ojjela*, Entropy generation analysis of natural convective chemically reacting squeezing flow of Casson fluid between parallel disks with Hall and Ion slip currents, Heat Transfer Asian Research,, Vol. 48, Issue 8, 2019, 4320-4341.
- Adigoppula Raju and Odelu Ojjela*, Effects of the induced magnetic field, thermophoresis, and Brownian motion on mixed convective Jeffrey nanofluid flow through a porous channel, Engineering Reports, Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2019, 1-18.
- S. Nayak B., K. Naik K. and O. Ojjela, Analysis of Multipath Mitigation Techniques in GNSS for Pseudorange Error Reduction, IEEE Xplore, 5th Int. Conference on Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA), 2019, 1-5.
- Sathish Nayak*, K. Krishna Naik and Odelu Ojjela, Multipath Mitigation Techniques for Range Error Reduction in PN Ranging Systems, Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking, 2020, 237-245.
- Swapna Jawalkar, Odelu Ojjela* and Debasish Pradha, Influence of Thermophoresis
- and Brownian Motion on MHD Mixed Convective Chemically Reacting Couple Stress Fluid Flow in Porous Medium Between Parallel Plates, Mathematical Modeling and Computation Tools, Vol. 320, 2020, 51-69.
- Arvind Kumar*, P. R. Mishra and Odelu Ojjela, Analysis of Rotation-Based Diffusion Functions, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1138 , 2020, 215-226.
- Adigoppula Raju and Odelu Ojjela*, MHD mixed convective and chemical reactive Couple Stress fluid through expanding or contracting porous pipe in presence of thermal radiation, The Int. J. of Eng. and Science, Special Issue, Vol. 3, 2020, 19-30
- M. V. Sarath, Swaroop S. Gharde, Odelu Ojjela and Balasubramanian Kandasubramanian*, Multipath Mitigation Techniques for Range Error Reduction in PN Ranging Systems, Recent Advances in Layered Materials and Structures, 2021, 67-104.
- Adigoppula Raju, Odelu Ojjela*, Archana Reddy R, Numerical investigation of induced magnetic field and variable mass diffusivity on double stratified Jeffrey fluid flow with heat and mass flux boundary conditions, Heat Transfer Asian Research, Vol. 50, 2021, 1073 – 1094.
- Odelu Ojjela*, N. Naresh Kumar and D. R. V. S. R. K. Sastry, Radiation and Heat Generation Effects on Couple Stress Fluid Through Expanding Channel, Advances in Fluid Dynamics, 2021, 907-922.
- K. Ramesh, Deepesh Patidar and| Odelu Ojjela*, Entropy generation analysis of free convection radiative MHD Eyring – Powell fluid flow between porous parallel plates with Soret and Dufour effects, Heat Transfer Asian Research,, Vol. 50, 2021, 6935 – 6954.
- Adigoppula Raju, Odelu Ojjela* and Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla, A comparative study of heat transfer analysis on ethylene glycol or engine oil as base fluid with gold nanoparticle in presence of thermal radiation, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 145, Issue 5, 2021, 2647-2660.
- P Prashar, O Ojjela* , P K Kambhatla and S K Das, Numerical investigation of boundary layer flow past a thin heated needle immersed in hybrid nanofluid, Indian Journal of Physics, Published online: 04th Jan 2021.
- P Prashar and O Ojjela*, Numerical investigation of ZnO–MWCNTs/ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid flow with activation energy, Indian Journal of Physics, Published online: 27 May 2021.
- Preeti, Odelu Ojjela*, Pravin Kashyap Kambhatla and Fateh Mebarek-Oudina, Shape effect of MoS2 nanoparticles on entropy generation and heat transport in viscoelastic boundary layer flow, Pramana Journal of Physics, Vol. 95, 2021, 182- 197.
- Preeti Odelu Ojjela*, Numerical investigation of heat transport in Alumina–Silica hybrid nanofluid flow with modeling and simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 193, 2022, 100-122
- Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer of Chemically Reacting MHD Newtonian nanofluids through Porous boundaries, under the Grant-in-Aid scheme of DIAT (DU), Pune at a total cost of 8.5 lakhs from 03rd October 2017 to 02nd October 2019, Dr. Odelu Ojjela (PI) and Dr. Debasish Pradhan (Co-PI).
Additional Responsibilities at DIAT
- 1). Asst. Controller of Examinations
- 2).M.Tech. Program Coordinator (M&SC-22)
- 3).Member Doctoral Research Monitoring Committee (DRMC)
- 4).Member Board of Studies, Department of Applied Mathematics
- 5). Ph.D. Program Coordinator
- 6). P.G Committee Member
- 7). Library Committee Member.
- 8). I/c. Department Cash Purchase officer.
- 9). I/c. MoU between Boeing & DIAT ( Applied Mathematics Dept.).
- 10). Member for Tender Opening committee.
- 11). Member Secretary, Post Graduate Committee.
- 12). Member, Academic Council, DIAT.
- 13). Chairman, Sports, Cultural and Environment Committee (SCEC), DIAT.
Reviewer of international Journals
- International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics
- European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids
- Canadian Journal of Physics
- International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
- Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
- Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
- Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- International Journal of Thermal Sciences
- Journal of Porous Medium
- International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
- Heat Transfer Research (Begell House)
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
- Heat Transfer - Asian Research
- Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures (Emerald Publishing)
- AIP Advances
- Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- Journal of Molecular Liquids
- International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics