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Dr. S.V.S.S.N.V.G. Krishna Murthy
Professor and Head
Department of Applied Mathematics
- [email protected]
- 02024604472

About me
Dr. Krishna Murthy obtained his M.Sc. in Mathematics from Osmania University, Hyderabad, in 1995 and Doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2010. Subsequently, he was offered a Post-Doctoral position under Erasmus Mundus – Will Power (Window India Learning Link Power) Fellowship ‘2010-11’, at Ecole Centrale Paris – France. Dr. Krishna Murthy joined as Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, DIAT (DU), Pune, in 2011. He has 11 years of teaching experience. He was a former Vice President of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) and currently an executive council member of ISTAM, IIT Kharagpur. He is an Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Thermal Energy and Applications, an Editorial board member of professional journals. He has published articles in indexed Journals. Attended and presented conference papers at national and international conferences. Dr. Murthy also worked as a member of various institutional committees and other administrative assignments. Presently he is Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics.
- 2010 : PhD Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
- 1995 : M.Sc. ( Mathematics), Osmania University, Hyderabad
- 1992 : B.Sc. (M.P.I), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow at Ecole Centrale Paris – France, Aug, 2010- May2011
Associate Professor, DIAT (DU), Pune 2010 – Present
Research Domain
- Finite Element Analysis in fluid flow through Porous Media
- Mathematical Modelling
- Numerical Method's for Partial differential equations
- Numerical Parallel Algorithms
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Cryptography
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing
Research Collaborations
- Bharat Forge, DassaultSystemes, Zeus Numerix Pvt. Ltd.,
- ECP-France, University of California-Riverside, Swansea University-UK, University of Bath, UK
Research Publications
- Non-Darcy Mixed Convection in a Porous Square Enclosure under Suction/Injection Effects with non-isothermal vertical wall, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 57(8): pp. 580 - 602, 2010.
- Non-Darcy Mixed Convection in a Fluid Saturated Square Porous Enclosure under Suction Effect: Part-I, Journal of Porous Media, 13(6): pp. 537 - 554, 2010.
- Non-Darcy Mixed Convection in a Fluid Saturated Square Porous Enclosure under Suction Effect: Part-II Journal of Porous Media, 13(9): pp. 799 - 805, 2010.
- Soret and Dufour effects on Double Diffusive Free Convection from a Corrugated Vertical Surface in a non-Darcy Porous Medium, Transport in Porous Media, pp. 85(1): 117 - 130, 2010.
- A Numerical Simulation of Cardiac Electric Activity in LV Based on Mono-domain Model, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 10(3): pp. 1 - 14, 2010.
- Mixed Convection in a non-Darcian Fluid Saturated Square Porous Enclosure under Multiple Suction Effect, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(25 - 26): pp. 5764 - 5773, 2010.
- Three Step Taylor Galerkin Method for Singularly Perturbed Generalized Hodgkin-Huxley Equation, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 1(2): pp. 257 - 276, 2010.
- A numerical study of singularly perturbed generalized Burgers Huxley equation using three-step Taylor Galerkin method, Computers Mathematics with Applications, 62(2): pp. 776 - 786, 2011.
- Darcy Mixed Convection in a Fluid Saturated Square Porous Enclosure under Multiple Suction Effect, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 21(5): pp. 602 - 617, 2011.
- A Study of Double Diffusive Free Convection from a Corrugated Vertical Surface in a Darcy Porous Medium under Soret Dufour Effects, ASME Heat Transfer 133(9): pp. 092601(7pages), 2011
- Double Diffusive Free Convection induced by Vertical Wavy Surface in a Doubly Stratified Darcy Porous Medium under the influence of Soret and Dufour Effect, Journal of Porous Media. 15(9): pp. 877 - 890, 2012.
- A Finite Element Study of Double Diffusive Mixed Convection in a Concentration Stratified Darcian Fluid Saturated Porous Enclosure under Injection/Suction Effect, Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 2012: Article ID: 594701, 2012.
- Darcy Mixed Convection in a Porous Square Enclosure Under Suction/Injection Effects with Sinusoidally Varying Temperature on the Left Vertical Wall, Computational Thermal Sciences. 5(6): pp. 473-487, 2013.
- Free Convection in a Non-Newtonian Fluid Saturated Square porous Enclosure with an Isothermal Corrugated Wall", Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations, 21: pp. 447 - 476, 2013
- A Numerical Method to Study the Heat Transfer in Rocket Nozzle Throat by Inverse Heat Conduction Technique, Journal of Indian Research, 1(3), July-September: pp. 76 - 82, 2013
- Mathematical modelling of couple stresses on fluid flow in constricted tapered artery in the presence of slip velocity - Effects of catheter, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 35 (8), 947 - 958, 2014.
- Mathematical modelling of pulsatile flow of blood through catheterized unsymmetric stenosed artery - Effects of tapering angle and slip velocity, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 48, pp. 236 - 244, 2014
- A Parallel Finite Element Study of 3D Mixed Convection in a Fluid Saturated Cubic Porous Enclosure under Injection / Suction Effect, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269: pp. 841 - 862, 2015.
- Modeling and simulation of dispersed two-phase flows of bubbles, drops and particles, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, World Academic Press, 11(2): pp. 145 - 160, 2015.
- Effect of Thermophoresis on Heat and Mass Transfer by Convective Flow along a Sinusoidal Wavy Surface, International Journal of Engineering Research, 5(Special Issue 4): pp. 790-991, 2016.
- Mathematical modelling of time dependent flow of non-Newtonian fluid through unsymmetric stenotic tapered artery: Effects of catheter and slip velocity, Meccanica (An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AIMETA), 51(1): pp. 55 - 69, 2016.
- Application of Hybrid Wavelet Neural Network in One-Dimensional Signal Denoising using Multiple Wavelet Functions, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 10(4): pp. 500 - 507, 2016.
- Double Diffusive Free Convection along a Vertical Surface in a Doubly Stratified Porous Medium with Soret and Dufour effects under MHD forces, Journal of Porous Media. 20(10): pp. 865 - 879, 2017.
- Bejan’s Heatline and Massline Visualization of Multi-force Effect on Convection in a Porous Enclosure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 146 - 147: pp. 249 - 271, 2018.
- On the influence of magnetic field on Darcy mixed convection from a horizontal plate in a nanofluid saturated porous medium, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, World Academic Press, 14(2), pp. 124-135, 2018.
- MHD forces on double diffusive free convection process along a vertical wavy surface embedded in a doubly stratified fluid saturated Darcy porous medium under the influence of Soret and Dufour Effect, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 27(01): pp. 33 - 57, 2018.
- Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Natural Convection Boundary Layer Flow along a Vertical Wavy Surface in a Doubly Stratified Non-Darcy Porous Medium with Soret and Dufour Effects, Heat Transfer Research, 49(18): pp. 01 - 17, 2018
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Driving Unit of Brushless DC Motor, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(Special Issue-4): pp. 644 - 652, April, 2018
- Stratification Effect on Free Convective Darcy-Forchheimer Boundary layer Flow under multiple interacting forces, Computational Thermal Sciences, 10(01): pp. 47 - 65, 2018.
- Magnetic field effect on non-darcy mixed convection from a horizontal plate in a nanofluid-saturated porous medium, Journal of Porous Media, 22(5), pp. 599 - 610, 2019
Invited Talks
- Webinar - School of Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics, REVA University, Bengaluru On 6th Feb, 2021
- Webinar – School of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science & EngineeringSharda University Uttar Pradesh, India, 12th May, 2020
- UGC Sponsored - National Conference on Recent Trends on Mathematical Sciences and itsApplications (RTMSA), Department of Mathematics, AcharyaNagarjuna University Guntur,24 - 25 January, 2019.
- Faculty Skill Development Programme, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering Technology
(GHRIET), Pune, 10 - 11 December, 2018. - International Workshop on Cloud Dynamics, Micro physics, and Small-Scale Simulation(IWCDMS-2018), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, 13-17 August, 2018.
- State Level Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Sciences (ETES-2018), Zeal College of Engineering and Research Pune, by Department of Engineering Sciences, 12 - 13th
February 2018. - 11th Conference on Information Technology in Defence (ITD), Computer Society of India ,Bangalore, 11 - 12 January, 2018
- National Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (NCPAM-2017), College of Engineering Pune, Pune, India, 17 - 19, May, 2017.
- Keynote Address and lecture on Finite Element Methods in the Faculty Development Programon Advanced Numerical Techniques for Engineers and Researchers (ANTER-2017), BMS
College of Engineering, Bengaluru, 23 - 28 Jan 2017. - NPDE Conference on Latest Advances in Computation and Applied Mathematics (LACAM- 2016), Mahindra-Ecole Centrale (MEC), Hyderabad, India, 15 - 17, December, 2016.
- Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (ISPIRE), Sponsored by DST, Govt.of India, as mentor speaker at SES, H.R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education andResearch, Shirpur, Maharashtra, 15 - 19,February, 2016.
- 6th National conference on Multidisciplinary research in Science and Engineering (NCMRSE),
MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune, 05 - 06 June, 2015 - Dhnekula Institute of Engineering and Technology(DIET), Vijayawada, 11th March, 2015.
- National Conference on Advances Applied Mathematics (NCAAM-2015), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 12 - 13 February, 2015.
- Faculty Development Program On "Electro Magnetic Theory And Transmission Lines With
Emphasis On MATLAB AND ANSYS", Geetanjali College of Engineering and Technology,
Hyderabad, 22 27 December, 2014, - ParvathaneniBrahmaya Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Vijayawada, An Autonomous
College in the jurisdiction of Krishna University, Andhra Pradesh, 11th December, 2014. - UGC - SERO Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences and
Future Prospects (RTMP-2014), 10 - 11 December, 2014 at the Andhra Christian College,Acharya Nagarjuna University(ANU). - NPDE - TCA Advanced Workshop (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore & Indian Institute
of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur jointly organised ) on Finite Element Methods for NavierStokesequations(FEMNSE), SERC, Indian Institute of Science, 12th September, 2014. - International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Sathyabama University, Chennai,
18th July, 2014. - Geetanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, 27th March, 2014.
- Department of Mathematics, Osmania University College for Women (OUCW), Hyderabad,
27th March, 2014. - International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics(ICRAM), RashtrasantTukadoji
Maharaj (RTM) Nagpur University Department of Mathematics, Nagpur, 23rd January, 2014. - Six Week Customised Course on Radar and Communication for Bharat Dynamics Ltd, Hyderabad, by Department of Electronics Engineering, DIAT, Pune, 5th Nov. - 14th Dec, 2012.
- On the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of Sinivasa Ramanujan - UGC sponsored National
Seminar on ‘Modern Trends in Mathematical & Physical sciences‘, Dept. of. Mathematics,Dharma Appa Rao College, Nuzivid, 20th January, 2012. - Continuing Education Program (CEP) on ‘Advanced Finite Element Analysis-Theory And Practise‘, Dept. of. Mech. Engg., Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Pune, 29th July, 2011
Awards and Achievement
- Recipient of Erasmus Mundus Fellowship
- Inclusion of Biography in 30th and 31stPearl Anniversary Edition of Marquis Who’s who in the World – 2012 and 2013.
- Inclusion of Biography in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21stcentury by International
Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England - Editor in Chief, International Journal of Thermal Energy and Applications
- Bentham Science Ambassador(2019 - 2020), Bentham Science Publisher
- Reviewer, Various International journals
- 3rdInternational conference on Latest Trends in Engineering and Management (ICLTEM-
2021), 26-27, February, 2021 Pune - Member of Outreach Committee. - International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICSET-2020), 06-07
March, 2020, Pune, India - Member of National Advisory Committee. - 4thInternational Conference on Oil, Gas &Petrochemistry , 23-24 September, 2019 KualaLumpur, Malaysia - Member of Organising Committee.
- 2nd World Congress on Petrochemistry, Oil & Gas, 03-04 July, 2019 Dubai, UAE-Memberof Organising Committee.
- 2nd World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery, 20-21 May, 2019 Japan - Member ofOrganising Committee.
- International Conference on Oil & Gas, 06-07 December, 2018 Dubai, UAE-Member ofOrganising Committee.
- Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, 20-21 July, 2018 Sydney, Australia-Member of Organising Committee.
- 4th World Congress on Petroleum and Refinery, 20-21 May 2018, Osaka Japan–Memberof Organising Committee.
- International Technology Congress, 28-29 December, 2017, Pune, India.-Member of Scientific Committee
- 19th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Applications (ICFMFA 2017), 7-8
February, 2017, Mumbai, India.-Member of International Scientific Committee. - The 4th International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Systems (CICS-2016), 23-
24 April, 2016 Dubai, UAE. - Member of Technical Program Committee. - 18th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Flow Analysis (ICFMFA 2016), 8-9
February, 2016, Mumbai, India.-Member of International Scientific Committee. - The 2nd International Conference on Partial Differential Equations (ICPDE 2016), 25-27
July, 2016 Suzhou, China. - Member of Technical Program Committee. - The 2nd Conference on Heat Energy (HE 2015), 25-27 August, 2015, Shanghai, China. -
Member of Technical Program Committee (Paper Reviewer). - 4th International conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology
(ICAIT-2015), 23-24 May, 2015, Sydney, Australia.-Member of Technical Program
Committee(Paper Reviewer). - International Conference on Partial Differential Equations (ICPDE 2015), 19-21 July, 2015,
Shanghai, China.-Member of Technical Program Committee (Paper Reviewer). - International Conference on Advances In Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2015), 13-15
May, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey. - Member of Scientific Committee. - 2015 Spring International Conference on Material Sciences and Technology (MST-S) is oneof the special tracks within the 2015 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology
(SCET 2015), 14-16 April, 2015, Beijing China.-Member of Technical Program
Committee (Paper Reviewer). - 2015 Spring International Conference on Chemical Engineering (CEN-S) is one of the special
tracks within the 2015 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET 2015),
14-16 April, 2015, Beijing China.-Member of Technical Program Committee (Paper
Reviewer). - The 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics Informatics (CYBI 2015), 21-22 March
2015, Geneva, Switzerland. - Member of Technical Programme Committee. - The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAPP 2015), 21- 22 March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland-Member of Technical Programme Committee.
- The 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture (CLOUD-
2015), 23 - 24 January 2015, Dubai, UAE. - Member of Technical Programme Committee. - The 4th International Conference on Mathematics Research and Application (ICMRA), 1-3
November 2014, China. - Member of Technical Programme Committee. - The International Energy Technologies Conference (ENTECH ’14), 22 - 24 December 2014,
Istanbul, Turkey-Member of Scientific Committee. - The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Research and Application (ICMRA), 1 - 3
November 2014, China-Member of Technical Programme Committee. - Fourth International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (DPRR),
24 - 25 May, 2014 - Delhi.-Member of Programme Committee. - Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME), 4 - 5
April, 2014 - Dubai, UAE.-Member of Programme Committee. - International Conference on Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ISTAM), 17 - 20 December, 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur held in DIAT, Pune. - Organising Secretary
Any Others Responsibilities
Head, Department of Applied Mathematics, DIAT, Pune. (April 2012 - September 2012)& (May 2015 - Present)
Member, Selection Committees for recruitment/Promotion of Faculties, DIAT
Chairman, Doctoral Research Committee (DRC), DIAT, Pune. (Jan 2018 - Present)
Chairman, Board of Studies (BOS), Department of Applied Mathematics, DIAT, Pune.
Chairman, Post Induction Training School (POINTS) Hostel, DIAT, Pune. (July 2013 - October 2014).
Chairman for various committees constituted by VC at DIAT (DU).
Member, DIAT-NPS, USA Joint Degree programme, DIAT, Pune
Member, Board of Management, DIAT, Pune. (2018 - 2020)
Professional Membership
- Life member of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM)
- Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (No.LM )
- Executive Council Member of ISTAM, IIT Kharagpur ( 2014 -2022)
- Vice President of ISTAM, IIT Kharagpur (2013-2015)
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
- IAENG Society of Mechanical Engineering
- IAENG Society of Scientific Computing
- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
Editorial Board Member
- International Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board on Mathematical and Computational Sciences
- International Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
- Editorial Board Member of
- Springer Nature Applied Sciences
- The Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering(JAMME)
- International Journal of Structural Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis
- American Journal of Computer Engineering
- American Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications
- American Journal of Scientific Research and Essays
- Research Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
- SCIREA - Journal of Mechanics,
- SCIREA -Journal of Physics
- Journal of Thermal Engineering (JTE), (Asia Region) - Till 2019.
- International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science
- International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research